SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Welsh, B. C., & Pfeffer, R.D. (2013). Reclaiming crime prevention in an age of punishment: an American history. Punishment and Society, 15, pp. 534-553. doi: 10.1177/1462474513504798

Questions to Consider:

  1. What kind of approach do the authors use to examine crime prevention in the U.S.?
  2. What was the first documented initiative in the United States that measured crime prevention?

Learning Objective: 12-2: Identify three historical eras leading to the current strategies for punishing offenders


Article 2: Atkin-Plunk, C. A., & Armstrong, G. S. (2013). Transformational leadership skills and correlates of prison warden job stress. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40, pp. 551–568. doi: 10.1177/0093854812460036

Questions to Consider:

  1. Results of the study demonstrated that what was related to job stress?
  2. In the study, individuals who aim to increase their organization’s awareness of appropriate tasks and further motivate organizational members to perform beyond basic expectations are referred to as?
  3. How does the stress level of prison wardens relate to the working environment for correctional officers?

Learning Objective: 12-6: Describe the role of wardens in prisons

Article 3: Rembert, D. A., & Henderson, H. (2014). Correctional officer excessive use of force: civil liability under Section 1983. The Prison Journal, 94, pp. 198–219. doi: 10.1177/0032885514524731

Questions to Consider:

  1. Which case was central to this study?
  2. According to the authors, how could correctional agencies have prevented the excessive use of force found in the study?

Learning Objective: 12-7: Identify the behaviors of corrections officers