SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Morash, M., Stevens, T., & Yingling, J. (2014). Focus on the family: juvenile court responses to girls and their caretakers. Feminist Criminology, 9, pp. 298-322. doi: 10.1177/1557085114527151

Questions to Consider:

  1. What is the feminist framework, what is a primary criticism of juvenile court’s responses to girls involve the court’s
  2. In order to improve justice for girls similar to the study participants, what do the authors recommend?
  3. List the three ways juvenile courts have discretion to intervene in youthful offenders’ family life.

Learning Objective: 9-5: Describe how lower courts are arranged and their relationships


Article 2: Haynes, S. H., Ruback, B., & Cusick, G.R. (2010). Courtroom workgroups and sentencing: the effects of similarity, proximity, and stability. Crime and Delinquency, 56, pp. 126–161. doi: 10.1177/0011128707313787

Questions to Consider:

  1. Which aspect of courtroom workgroups was not examined in the study?
  2. Most studies that have examined the effects of decision-maker characteristics on sentencing outcomes have focused primarily on?
  3. Describe the demographic characteristics of most workgroup members in the study.

Learning Objective: 9-6: Explain the many actors in a courtroom, called the Courtroom Workgroup, and how they interact with other actors in the workgroup.