SAGE Journal Articles
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Spencer K. Lynn and Lisa Feldman Barrett
“Utilizing” Signal Detection Theory
Psychological Science September 2014 25: 1663-1673, first published on August 5, 2014 doi:10.1177/0956797614541991
- What are some examples of sensitivity and response bias?
- What are the tenets of the utility approach to understanding perception?
- Why is optimal criterion location important?
- Why is optimal measurement more important than accuracy?
- What kinds of behaviors would be best measured using SDT?
James C. Craig and Kenneth O. Johnson
The Two-Point Threshold: Not a Measure of Tactile Spatial Resolution
Current Directions in Psychological Science February 2000 9: 29-32, doi:10.1111/1467-8721.00054
- Is the two-point threshold a valid measurement of spatial resolution? Why or why not?
- What is the difference between objective and subjective measures, in terms of determining the two-point threshold? Is one better than the other?
- Why are gap detection and grating orientation better measures of spatial resolution than the two-point threshold?
Linda M. Bartoshuk, Katharine Fast, and Derek J. Snyder
Differences in Our Sensory Worlds: Invalid Comparisons With Labeled Scales
Current Directions in Psychological Science June 2005 14: 122-125, doi:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2005.00346.x
- What are the pitfalls of relative measurement? Are there any advantages to relative measurement?
- What are some examples of how using standards for group comparisons can help the objective measurement of perceptions? Can group comparisons help in measuring the perceptions of all senses?
- How does the gLMS help us understand individual differences in sensation and perception?
- How do invalid comparisons affect our understanding of perception? How can we mitigate the effects of invalid comparisons?