Learning Objectives

B-1: Describe the pitch deck and its importance to potential investors.

The pitch deck is a brief presentation that highlights the essential elements of the TRIM framework discussed in Chapter 9. It is one of the most valuable tools an entrepreneur can have when trying to raise startup capital or find other types of resources.

B-2: Explain the content of pitch deck slides.

While there are no strict rules for length or style, your slides should include the following information: title, company purpose/description, the problem/need, the solution, why now?, market opportunity, getting customers, competitor advantages and differences, traction, financials, team, and call to action.

B-3: Anticipate and prepare for the types of questions that may be asked during the question and answer period.

When it comes to the question and answer period, expect the unexpected. In this regard, it is useful to prepare a series of backup slides that can help you answer the most anticipated questions.