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Article 1: Hauser, R. M. (2010). Causes and consequences of cognitive functioning across the life course. Educational Researcher, 39(2), 95–109. doi: 10.3102/0013189X10363171
Summary: This article takes a broader look at the consequences of cognitive ability—IQ—across the life course.
Article 2: d'Epinay, C. J. L., Cavalli, S., & Guillet, L. A. (2010 [2009]). Bereavement in very old age: Impact on health and relationships of the loss of a spouse, a child, a sibling, or a close friend. OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying, 60(4), 301–325. doi: 10.2190/OM.60.4
Summary: This article deals with the following two questions: In very old age, what are the main sources of bereavement? And what are the consequences of such losses on health and on relationships?
Article 3: Chen, F., Bao, L., Shattuck, R. M., Borja, J. B., & Gultiano, S. (2017). Implications of changes in family structure and composition for the psychological well-being of Filipino women in middle and later years. Research on Aging, 39(2), 275–299. doi: 10.1177/0164027515611181
Summary: The health implications of multigenerational coresidence for older adults is a well-researched topic in the aging literature. Much less is known of its impact for women in midlife.