Web Links from Text

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Web Link 2.1: William Tuke

  • How did William Tuke become interested in the plight of the mentally ill?
  • How did his family contribute to similar efforts?

2. Web Link 2.2: Eli Todd

  • What role did Eli Todd’s sister play in his role as a pioneer of mental health reform?
  • Besides founding the first mental hospital in Connecticut, what other contributions did Todd make to the treatment of psychological problems?

3. Web Link 2.3: Dorothea Dix

  • How did Dorothea Dix become interested in the plight of the mentally ill?
  • How was she effective in changing the way the mentally ill were treated?

4. Web Link 2.4: Lightner Witmer

  • In what ways has clinical psychology remained true to its original definition?
  • In what ways has clinical psychology evolved away from its original definition?

5. Web Link 2.5: First “Clinical Psychology” article, by Lightner Witmer in 1907

  • According to this article, what activities took place at Witmer’s clinic?
  • How do the clinical examples described in this example compare to the work of contemporary clinical psychologists?