Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Classics in the History of Psychology (Website)

Description: Classics in the History of Psychology presents an overview of noteworthy events in the development of clinical psychology as a professional field of study and practice. The link “CHP Special Collections” provides information on early psychology laboratories, courses, journals, and associations.

2. PAR, Inc. (Website)

Description: The homepage of PAR, Inc., demonstrates the numerous domains for which psychological assessment is appropriate. This website may serve as a useful tool to illustrate the expansion of psychological assessment from the early days of intelligence assessment spearheaded by Wechsler, Spearman, etc.

3. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (YouTube Video)

Description: A brief overview of the DSM’s history and evolution is provided. The multi-axial system of diagnosis is introduced in the second half of the video.

4. World War IIs Impact on Clinical Psychology

Description: This Master’s thesis, by Aeron S. Lloyd, discusses the impact of World War II on the field of Clinical Psychology.