Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Does One Form of Psychotherapy Work Better Than Another? (Website)

Description: This article from Slate magazine provides a modern description of the dodo bird verdict, including discussion of its relevance to the modern practice of clinical psychology.

2. Dr. Sam and the Managed Care Blues Band (YouTube Video)

Description: Dr. Sam and the Managed Care Blues Band, a musical group headed by a physician disenchanted with managed care, are profiled. Between samples of the group’s jazz stylings, Dr. Sam and other comment on the detrimental effects of managed healthcare on the provision of medical services.

3. American Psychological Association—Division 29 (Website)

Description: The APA’s Division 29 covers all topics related to psychotherapy. Coverage includes recent news articles and video clips from psychotherapy experts.

4. What Works in Therapy? A Look at 40 Years of Outcome Research

Description: This is a video of a radio program/podcast, with Dr. Scott Miller, looking at the outcomes of psychotherapy.