Web Resources

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1. Multicultural Education Internet Resource Guide (Website)

Description: The Multicultural Education Internet Resource Guide provides numerous links to information on various facets of multiculturalism. In addition to general multicultural links, region- and ethnicity-specific resources are provided.

2. Self-Narratives for Christian Multicultural Educators: A Pathway to Understanding Self and Others (Website)

Description: This paper argues that the development of multicultural competency should be solidly grounded on reflective, empathic, and critical understanding of one’s own culture as well as others. This cultural understanding, particularly from a Christian perspective, recognizes the connectivity of self and others in God. To enhance the cultural understanding, the author recommends studying self-narratives written by others and writing one’s own cultural autobiography. Instructors may wish to utilize this article as a springboard for a discussion of religious diversity, as well as invite students to construct a multicultural autobiography similar to that described on the website.

3. Hope College Office of Multicultural Education (Website)

Description: Hope College’s website for its Office of Multicultural Education provides an example of multicultural efforts in a university setting. Comparing and contrasting multicultural efforts at colleges and universities, such as Hope College, may facilitate a discussion of efforts at students’ own universities and colleges.

4. Understanding White Privilege

Description: A short summary and checklist to help students understand white privilege, and, more broadly, the concept of privilege in general.

5. Understanding Heterosexual Privilege

Description: A checklist, modeled on McIntosh’s white privilege checklist, to help you understand heterosexual privilege.

6. Microaggressions

Description: Fordham University students share experiences of microaggressions directed at some aspect, or some assumed aspect, of their identity.