Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
AAIDD is an interdisciplinary organization of individuals who strive to promote the well-being of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Some of their primary activities are advocacy, education, research, and treatment.

APA Division 33: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
APA’s Division 33 is an organization of psychologists concerned with research and practice in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities. On this site, you can locate the Division 33 newsletter Psychology in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to find the latest information about the field.

DNA Learning Center
This wonderful website provides a multimedia guide to genetic disorders including Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and PKU. The site includes movies, flash presentations, interactive simulations, and lots of information.

Center of Parent Information and Resources
The Center for Parent Information and Resources is a resource of information designed to help parents of children with disabilities and those who work with them. The Resources tab has information organized topically.

The Arc
The Arc is the largest national community-based organization serving people with intellectual disabilities. The website has resources on a variety of disorders for parents, people with disabilities, advocates, and others.