Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

Curing Kids with Extreme Social Phobias

Learning Objective: 11.3 Show how behavioral and cognitive interventions are used to treat pediatric anxiety and OCD.

Description: This 6-minute video discusses the treatment of selective mutism and extreme social phobia through exposure therapy.

Questions to Consider

  1. The video shows two children with selective mutism. What symptoms do they show at the beginning and end of the video?
  2. Describe the Brave Buddies approach.
  3. How does the Brave Buddies technique fit with what you know about behavioral interventions for anxiety disorders?

OCD: The War Inside

Learning Objective: 11.2 Describe the key features of OCD in children and adolescents, its primary causes, and related conditions.

Description: This 70-minute documentary from the National Film Board of Canada explores daily life in children and adults who have OCD.

Questions to Consider

  1. What similarities do you see across the experiences of these individuals?
  2. Describe the treatments that these children have received. How effective has that been?
  3. What is the long-term outlook for the children in this video?

Parent Video: School Refusal Behavior

Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe key features of the DSM-5 anxiety disorders and show how children might manifest these disorders differently across childhood and adolescence.

Identify and give examples of some of the major causes of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents.

Description: In this 12-minute video, Dr. Anne Marie Albano of Columbia University discusses the characteristics and treatment of school refusal behavior.

Questions to Consider

  1. How do you know if school refusal behavior has risen to a point where you should be concerned?
  2. What prevents parents from helping effectively? What steps should parents take?
  3. How does school refusal develop?

Audio Resources

Anxious Parents Can Learn How to Reduce Anxiety in Their Kids

Learning Objective: 11.1.b Identify and give examples of some of the major causes of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents.

Description: This 8-minute story discusses research showing a link between parent and child anxiety and how parents can help their children learn to be less anxious.

Questions to Consider

  1. How did Hannah Cummings affect Noah’s anxiety?
  2. Describe Noah’s cognitive behavioral therapy experience.
  3. How did treatment affect the parents’ interactions with Noah?

For Kids, Anxiety about School Can Feel Like “Being Chased by a Lion”

Learning Objective: 11.1 Describe key features of the DSM-5 anxiety disorders and show how children might manifest these disorders differently across childhood and adolescence.

Description: This 6-minute clip describes the experience of a boy struggling with severe anxiety and his school, which is designed to help students with anxiety.

Questions to Consider

  1. Describe Jared’s anxiety. What symptoms does he experience?
  2. Describe the Aspire program. What are its goals? How does it work to achieve those?