Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

American Psychological Association (APA)
The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest professional association for psychologists. Psychology graduate and undergraduate students can become student affiliates of the organization. The APA is designed for professionals interested in all aspects of psychology: psychological research, clinical practice, consultation, and public policy. This link provides the latest information about the APA’s activities regarding children and adolescents.

APA Division 12: Society of Clinical Psychology
The APA is divided into multiple divisions, which reflect sub-disciplines within the broad field of psychology. Division 12 is dedicated to research and practice related to clinical psychology. The “treatments” tab on this site will direct you to evidence-based treatments for various disorders.

APA Division 16: School Psychology
Division 16 is dedicated to the research and practice of school psychology, the application of psychological science in schools. School psychologists work in educational settings, evaluating and treating children with a wide range of academic, behavioral, emotional, and social problems. They also serve as consultants to school personnel and act as liaisons between schools and families.

APA Division 53: Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Division 53 is dedicated to the advancement of clinical child and adolescent psychology. Locate the section of this website that is labeled “student resources.” It contains information about the field of clinical child and adolescent psychology as well as the education and training experiences needed to become a professional child psychologist.

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) is an interdisciplinary organization committed to the advancement of a scientific approach to the understanding and treating psychological disorders. It is one of the leading organizations for the empirically based treatment of psychological disorders. On their website, locate the link “For the Public” and the subsection entitled Guidelines for Choosing a Behavior Therapist.

Association for Psychological Science
The Association for Psychological Science is an organization dedicated to the advancement of scientific psychology. APS is comprised of psychologists chiefly interested in psychological research, teaching, and the application of psychological science to real-world phenomena. Students can become affiliates of the organization. On this site, try to locate the “students” page and learn more about how student affiliates can earn grant money to conduct research or attend the APS annual professional meeting.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
This is a good starting page for individuals interested in child and adolescent psychiatry. Students interested in becoming a child psychiatrist might consult the link for “Medical Students and Residents” to learn more information. There are also wonderful links for potential consumers of child and adolescent psychiatric services.

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
SRCD is a multidisciplinary professional organization that seeks to promote research in the field of human development, to foster the exchange of information among scientists and other professionals, and to encourage applications of research findings. SRCD publishes Child Development, an outstanding journal on issues of developmental psychology and human development. On the SRCD webpage, try to locate the section entitled, “Ethical standards for research with children.”

Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology
SSCP is a professional organization which seeks the integration of the scientist and the practitioner in training, research, and applied activities. It has affiliations with both the American Psychological Association (Division 12) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS).

National Institute of Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the primary federal agency for research on mental health. This link will take you to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health page, where you can find information on different issues facing children and adolescents, including statistics on prevalence and resources.

American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) represents 66,000 pediatricians. Pediatricians are often the front line for recognizing mental health issues in children and, as such, the AAP advocates for mental health. This link will take you to a page outlining their positions on care for children.

National Association of School Psychologists
The National Association of School Psychologists represents over 25,000 school psychologists and works to advance students’ learning, behavior, and mental health. This website has information on careers in school psychology and resources for professionals and students