Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC)
The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children is a national organization focused on meeting the needs of professionals who serve maltreated children and their families. APSAC publishes practice guidelines and research on child abuse and neglect. The “Publications” section is a good place to start learning about child maltreatment.

APA Division 37: Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice
Section 1 of APA’s Division 37 was established to support and promote scientific inquiry, training, professional practice, and advocacy in the area of child maltreatment.

Child Welfare Information Gateway
The Child Welfare Information Gateway is a service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, and the US Department of Health and Human Services. The Gateway provides access to print and electronic publications, websites, and online databases covering a wide range of topics including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, adoption, and search and reunion.

Children’s Defense Fund (CDF)
The CDF is a private, nonprofit organization designed to promote healthy children and families. The organization is engaged in education, outreach, public policy analysis, and child advocacy. Be sure to look at the “Research Library” section for recent statistics on child maltreatment and prevention.

Romanian Orphans
This excellent article, recently published in Scientific American, discusses the plights and outcomes of Romanian orphans subjected to severe deprivation in infancy and early childhood. It is written by leading experts on the topic: Charles Nelson, Nathan Fox, and Charles Zeanah. Everyone can access the preview page for free, but you will need institutional access (from your college or university) to read the entire document.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
The NSVRC focus on child sexual abuse prevention. This site provides links to a host of other sites with practical suggestions for how everyone can help prevent abuse.

National Institute of Mental Health: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The NIMH site provides information about signs and symptoms and treatments of PTSD in children. There are also many free booklets and brochures that can be downloaded.