Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective
Video and Multimedia
Video 1: Remapping the Zuni
Description: Zuni farmer Jim Enote works with Zuni artists to create maps that center indigenous experience rather than the Western perspective.
Video 2: Anaiyyun: Prayer for the Whale
Description: This video created by indigenous filmmaker Kiliii Yüyan depicts a traditional Inupiat whale hunt in Northern Alaska.
Video 3: Methods 101: Random Sampling
Description: This video explains random sampling, one way to choose participants for surveys.
Web 1: American Anthropological Association Handbook on Ethical Issues in Anthropology
Description: The AAA has created a digital handbook for anthropologists exploring ethical dilemmas in relation to fieldwork. Chapters 3 and 4 include scenarios for discussion.
Web 2: Body Ritual Among the Nacirema
Description: This classic ethnography is meant as a warning for those conducting fieldwork and writing about cultures. Spoiler: The article is about Americans and is meant to show how easy it is to make even the familiar seem strange.