Author Videos

Against All Odds: Inside Statistics - #1 What is Statistics?
Video #1 of this series discusses the importance of data usage in statistical analysis, providing students with an overview on how to go about designing a basic study and integrate data to answer research questions.

Market Research Videos - Different Sources of Secondary Data

This video explores specific examples of secondary data sources, specifically in the field of business. These vary from government output, academic knowledge, professional associations, and market research publishers.

U.S. Census Bureau

This video of U.S. Census Bureau Director, Dr. Robert M. Groves, examines the American Community Survey (ACS) Demographic Analysis along with the 2010 census data releases. The video specifically explores time of the data, geographical detail, and population characteristics useful to conducting demographical analyses.

CNN Story on Gun Crime Statistics in America

This video examines gun control laws in the United States as framed in 2nd Amendment rights. The dialogue draws in competing views on the topic through the use and presentation of data representing both sides of the issue.