Learning Objectives
LO 8.1 Analyze one’s own emotional and cognitive reactions to three case studies.
LO 8.2 Define small groups and identify some of their uses in social work practice.
LO 8.3 Analyze the benefits and difficulties in using virtual groups in social work practice.
LO 8.4 Identify dimensions of small group structure, composition, and processes.
LO 8.5 Critique five theories of small group processes (psychodynamic, symbolic interaction, status characteristics and expectation states, exchange, and self-categorization).
LO 8.6 Define formal organizations.
LO 8.7 Critique four theoretical perspectives on formal organizations (rational, systems, interactional/interpretive, and critical).
LO 8.8 Recommend uses of information and communication technologies in social service organizations.
LO 8.9 Define community, territorial community, relational community, and sense of community.
LO 8.10 Critique five theoretical approaches to community (contrasting types, spatial arrangements, social systems, social capital, and conflict).
LO 8.11 Apply knowledge of small groups, formal organizations, and communities to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation.