Learning Objectives
LO 12.1 Compare and contrast one’s own emotional and cognitive reactions to three case studies.
LO 12.2 Summarize typical physical, cognitive and language, moral, personality and emotional, and social development during toddlerhood and early childhood.
LO 12.3 Analyze the role of play in toddler and early childhood development.
LO 12.4 Compare three levels of intervention in global initiatives for disability-inclusive early childhood development programs: primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention.
LO 12.5 Evaluate the possible benefits of early childhood education.
LO 12.6 Identify some special issues that face the multigenerational family with toddlers and young children.
LO 12.7 Give examples of risk factors and protective factors during toddlerhood and early childhood.
LO 12.8 Apply knowledge of toddlerhood and early childhood to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation.