Learning Objectives

LO 4.1 Analyze one’s emotional and cognitive reactions to a case study.

LO 4.2 Define cognition and emotion.

LO 4.3 Compare and contrast five major theories of cognition (cognitive, information processing, social learning, multiple intelligences, and moral reasoning) and cognitive behavioral intervention theory.

LO 4.4 Compare and contrast four major categories of theories of emotion (physiological theories, psychological theories, social theories, and social work practice theories).

LO 4.5 Recognize how cognitive and emotional characteristics can be involved in cognitive and emotional “disorders.”

LO 4.6 Describe four theories of self in relationships (relational, attachment, feminist, and social identity).

LO 4.7 Summarize the role of stress, crisis, and traumatic stress in human behavior.

LO 4.8 Analyze different styles of coping and adaptation in relation to stress.

LO 4.9 Critique four different approaches to normal and abnormal coping (medical, psychological, sociological, and social work).

LO 4.10 Apply knowledge of cognition, emotion, self, the self in relationship, stress, and coping to recommend guidelines for social work assessment and intervention.