Web Exercises

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Go to the Work and Family Researchers Network located at the following website: https://workfamily.sas.upenn.edu/

  • Pick a topical area of interest to you related to work–family life (e.g., low-wage workers and infant child care options or single fathers), and describe the range of issues involved.
  • Examine various company websites and their family benefits policies. What company might be the best to work for as a young mother or mother-to-be? (e.g., examining workplace policies such as maternity or paternity leave, etc.)

*LO 11.8 Analyze cross-national differences in infant care policies.


 2. Go to the website of the National Infertility Association: http://www.resolve.org/

  • Analyze the information and resources on the website to determine what approach the organization takes to the problem of infertility. What “solutions” or “possible options” are being offered and/or recommended?
  • Utilize the search tool to see whether a support group and/or recommended professional is available in your area.
  • Re-read the case study of the Thompsons, and decide whether you would recommend that they use this website. What, if any, considerations would you have about recommending it?

* LO 11.11 Apply knowledge of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and infancy to recommend guidelines for social work assessment and intervention.

3. Go to the Centers for Disease Control’s website and find recommendations for pregnant or planning-to-become-pregnant women: http://www.cdc.gov/zika/pregnancy/

  • At this time, the Zika virus and its involvement in serious fetal abnormalities is creating an emergency situation. Follow up on what is being done to slow the spread of the virus, to prevent pregnant women from becoming infected, and to possibly develop an immunization program.

*LO 11.10 Give examples of risk factors and protective factors during infancy.