Video and Multimedia

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Learning Objectives: 10.2 List important words in the definition of the life course perspective.

Video: Life-Course Approach


Learning Objectives: 10.3 Identify some of the theoretical roots of the life course perspective.

Website: Life Course Theory: Key Principles and Concepts


Learning Objectives: 10.4 Summarize five basic concepts of the life course perspective (cohorts, transitions, trajectories, life events, and turning points).

Video: How the Worst Moments in our Lives Make Us Who we Are


Learning Objectives: 10.5 Critique six major themes of the life course perspective (interplay of human lives and historical time, timing of lives, linked or interdependent lives, human agency in making choices, diversity in life course trajectories, and developmental risk and protection).

Website: Integrating Varieties of Life Course Concepts


Learning Objectives: 10.6 Demonstrate use of the family life course perspective to understand three case studies.

Audio: Cultural and Historical Trauma: Affecting Lives for Generations


Learning Objectives: 10.7 Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the life course perspective.

Website: Theories: Life Course and Disengagement


Learning Objectives: 10.9 Apply basic concepts and major themes of the life course perspective to recommend guidelines for social work assessment and intervention.

Audio: 72 Is the New 65