Web Exercises

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. Go to the Child Trends website.

Go under the “Publications” link to “Positive Development.” Review articles, reports, and fact sheets related to adolescent development posted there.

Take notes on one significant item that you found that you will be able to use in your social work practice, and e-mail your notes to your instructor.


2. Go to the Health People 2020 website section on “Adolescent Health.”


What are the major health concerns for the adolescent population in the United States. What are the goals for improving health behavior and lowering health risks for this group? Where, in your community, would efforts to work toward these goals be taking place? What would be or is the role of social work?


3. Go to the National School Dropout Prevention Center website at


Review information, including recent or upcoming conferences. How can information on this website be used by social workers who are serving the adolescent population and/or are involved in community-strengthening efforts?

Look online for statistics about your county’s high school graduation rate. Look at trends in graduation rates within your county, the state, and the nation. What factors seem to be most highly correlated with higher graduation and/or highly improved graduation rates?