Criminal Investigations Today: The Essentials
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: Anna's Story: From Tragedy to Triumph | Victim Services Toronto
Description: Anna Amy Ho knows well the healing power of Victim Services Toronto. Anna describes how victim services helped after her mother was murdered.
Video 2: Eyewitness Identification—Getting It Right
Description: The video discusses the impact of feedback on eyewitness identification and how it can lead to misidentification.
Video 3: Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques & Training: TED "Type" Talk
Description: Interviewing & Interrogation techniques & training TED "type" talk for Law Enforcement Intelligence Units. Beverly Hills, CA conference. “Flawed Interviews, Inconsistent Debriefings: Impaired Intelligence." The risks of poorly conducted interviews, interrogations, and debriefings during intelligence operations.
Web Link 1: Innocence Organizations Praise Florida Lawmakers for Passage of Key Eyewitness Identification Reform Legislation to Prevent Wrongful Convictions
Description: This article discusses reform to Florida’s procedures for eyewitness identification. The new procedures are evidence-based procedures that will help prevent misidentifications.