Health Psychology: Well-Being in a Diverse World
Fourth Edition
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 12.1: What Is Psychoneuroimmunology (by Darren Marks, hypnotherapist)
Description: This very brief video introduces the idea of psychoneuroimmunology, and the idea that psychological interventions can benefit people’s health.
Video 12.2: How a Sick Chimp Led to a Global Pandemic: The Rise of HIV (by SciShow)
Description: This 10-minute video—part 1 in the series—discusses the history of AIDS and HIV.
Video 12.3: Why HIV Isn’t a Death Sentence Anymore (by SciShow)
Description: This 10-minute video—part 2 in the series—discusses the early treatments for AIDS, the current state of HIV and AIDS treatment, and the challenges facing research trying to develop a cure.