Dynamics of Media Writing: Adapt and Connect
Media Writing Assignments
Assignment 1: Personality profiles
Description of Assignment: Examine the elements of a personality profile
Find the personality profile of a public figure. Examine and discuss how the writer uses questions during the interview and observation to reveal insights about the subject. How does the writer describe the person, environment, and actions? Provide specific examples.
Assignment 2: Localizations
Description of Assignment: Examine the elements of a localization
Find a story with strong local interest. Examine and discuss how the writer localizes the story either directly or indirectly. Is this story a microcosm of a broader topic? How does the writer use reactions? Provide specific examples.
Assignment 3: Obituaries
Description of Assignment: Examine the elements of an obituary
Find a feature length obituary. Examine and discuss how the writer reveals insights about the subject. Provide specific examples.
Assignment 4: Speeches, meetings, and news conferences
Description of Assignment: Find a story covering a speech, meeting, or news conference. Examine how the writer reveals the most important aspects of the event. What types of sources and information are included? Provide specific examples.