Video and Multimedia

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9.1 Discuss ways that countries and individuals can be classified within global stratification.

Video Link: Fast Food Workers Global

Description: McDonald's workers from Europe, South America, and New Zealand discuss the reasons they support the fast food industry’s “Employee Day of Action,” which asks for a better pay and benefits for workers in the United States.

Audio Link: When the World Bank Does More Harm Than Good

Description: The goal of the World Bank is to end extreme poverty and to help for the poorest people on the planet grow income. However, an investigation has found that many times the World Bank’s development plans do not account for the needs of the impoverished people in the region and there can be dire consequences as a result.

Web Resource: Basic Concepts (Global Stratification)

Description: The website explains the major indicators that measure a country’s Gross National Product. A map displayed on the website represents the quality of life in each country, which is calculated by comparing the income and productivity between nations. It identifies global inequalities such as wealth, health, and employment.


9.2 Describe forms of global stratification, including the global digital divide, health inequalities, and gender stratification.

Video Link: A Global View of the Digital Divide

Description: The video demonstrates how individuals from different countries interpret the term “digital divide” and how it affects their lives.

Audio Link: U.N. Report: No Country Has Achieved Equality For Women

Description: Although there has been a lot of discussion on women’s rights, little progress has been made globally on gender equality. The audio discusses a report generated by the United Nations on the state of women’s rights globally.

Web Resource: Nurse Confessions: Don’t Get Sick in July. A secret look inside how America’s health care system actually works.

Description: The article discusses the health system in the United States and illustrates the health inequalities within the system.


9.3 Identify ways that countries’ positions within the global stratification structure might be improved.

Video Link: Bill and Melinda Gates on Top 3 Myths of Poverty

Description: Bill and Melinda Gates discuss with Gary Rose, The Wall Street Journal Editor, the myths that surround global poverty and development.

Audio Link: Dr. Paul Farmer Joins West Africa's Fight against Ebola

Description: The audio discusses the plans that were set in motion to help curb the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the assistance of volunteers from developed countries in the medical field.

Web Resource: Evicted and Abandoned: Inside The World Bank's Broken Promise To Protect The Poor

Description: The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has recently published a report which finds that, although the World Bank is beneficial to people in some areas, it can also cause harm to impoverished populations as it does not consider the individual needs of the populace it seeks to help.


9.4 Discuss structural/functional and conflict/critical theories of global stratification.

Video Link: Globalization theories

Description: A look at the sociological theories on globalization and research perspectives on the causes and future of globalization.

Audio Link: What It Takes To Lift Families Out Of Poverty

Description: Dean Karlan, a research professor at Yale University, has spent 18 years trying to answer what seems like a simple question: "Does global aid work?”

Web Resource: Theories of Global Stratification

Description: The website explains the historical development of global stratification. It also identifies and explains new theories that relate to stratification and differentiates between the modernization and dependency theories.


9.5 Explain some of the relationships between consumption and global stratification.

Video Link: UN study: by 2017 33% more global electronic waste choking Third World nations

Description: Environmental journalist Mike Anane has been investigating the effects of electronic waste in Ghana on children and adults who work at the city landfill.

Audio Link: Are Life Spans Getting Longer? It Depends On How Wealthy You Are

Description: The audio illustrates the reasons for the health gap between wealthy and poor women in some parts of the United States.

Web Resource: La Chureca: Living In Garbage by Matthew Karsten in Nicaragua, photo essays

Description: A photojournalist describes the life of people who live and work in the largest landfill in Central America.