Video and Multimedia

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16.1 Discuss sociological concepts that relate to the body, including sexuality, health and beauty, body modifications, and risky behaviors.

Video Link: Tattoo from National Geographic's Taboo Part 1

Description: The video discusses tattoos from around the world from tribal tattoos, to body alterations, to an art form. It explains how different cultures experience and accept tattoos.

Audio Link: Teens Say Looks Can Be Liberating Despite Fashion Police

Description: The audio discusses Professor Richard Lerner’s research study in which he talks and interviews students at Oakland Tech High School to examine why some kids are considered popular, while others are not.

Web Resource: About Face: Why is South Korea the world’s plastic surgery capital?

Description: South Korea, according to the article, has the highest rate of plastic surgery per capita in the world. A high percentage of men and woman are undergoing body augmentations in order to fit into the definition of what is currently considered beautiful in South Korea. A common high school graduation gift for a Korean teenager is a nose job or double-eyelid surgery. The article talks about the cultural reasons for this phenomenon.


16.2 Outline the issues studied in medical sociology, including the sick role, the US medical professional, the healthcare system and its weaknesses and inequities, and the influence of technology on the practice of medicine.

Video Link: Relating social theories to medicine

Description: The video discusses and relates social theories to the field of medicine.

Audio Link: Fertility Clinic Courts Controversy With Treatment That Recharges Eggs

Description: The audio debates a new controversial fertility treatment conducted in Canada. While the community of doctors does not approve of this procedure and argue that it may be too soon to know the long-term effects after birth, the doctor who performs innovative procedure explains why he doesn't foresee any problem.

Web Resource: Hospice

Description: The website defines and explains hospice care and its benefits to terminally ill patients and families.


16.3 Discuss the influence of globalization on health, illness and disease, and healthcare.

Video Link: Medical tourism, your health can now be outsourced: Krystal Rampalli at TEDxUMN

Description: The video provides an explanation of the concept “medical tourist.” The video explains the reasons patients undergo medical procedures in a less developed country than their own and how it affects both the individuals and the countries where the procedures are taking place.

Audio Link: Investigate the New Phenomenon of “Maternity Tourism.”

Description: The audio talks about a new phenomenon: maternity tourism or birth tourism. Pregnant women from China and other countries, travel to United States under false pretenses with the goal of giving birth in the United States to ensure that their child will automatically receive American citizenship.

Audio Link: World Health Organization

Description: The primary goals of the World Health Organization are to fund projects which aim to support health policies and strategies globally and to provide support to the international health community. The website describes the organization’s past and future projects.