SAGE Journal Articles

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Konieczny, P. (2014). The day Wikipedia stood still: Wikipedia’s editors' participation in the 2012 anti-SOPA protests as a case study of online organization empowering international and national political opportunity structures. Current Sociology, 62(7), 994–1016.

Description:  Konieczny studied how the decision of Wikipedia to participate in the January 2012 blackout was made in relation to motivations and international interests.  He applied political opportunity theory to his analysis.

Molnar, V. (2013). Reframing Public Space Through Digital Mobilization: Flash Mobs and Contemporary Urban Youth Culture. Space and Culture, 17(1), 43–58.

Description:  Molnar studied flash mobs from 2002-2009 and developed a typology of flash mobs to demonstrate how they have evolved.  Molnar also proposed how and why they will continue to be a social phenomenon.

Wilson, D., Benna, Z., Traore, B., Chirac, J., Africa, S., & States, U. (2015). from ferguson to france, 14(1), 65–67.

Description: Wilson, Benna, Traore, Chirac, Africa, and States compare the Ferguson uprising to a similar event in France.  They use the two events to demonstrate that issues of race and racial treatment by law enforcement is a global issue.