SAGE Journal Articles

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Duncan, M. C., & Klos, L. a. (2012). Paradoxes of the Flesh: Emotion and Contradiction in Fitness/Beauty Magazine Discourse. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 2014, Vol. 38(3) 245–262.

Description: Duncan and Klos examine the ways in which fitness magazines emphasize dieting and exercise for weight loss.  In many cases the magazines present conflicting discourse and images.

Piontak, J. R., & Schulman, M. D. (2014). Food Insecurity in Rural America. Contexts, 13(3), 75–77.

Description: Piontak and Schulman demonstrate that contrary to popular belief rural areas suffer as much if not more from food scarcity than metropolitan areas.  They present supporting data, explanations and solutions for rural communities.

Khubchandani, J., & Simmons, R. (2012). Going Global: Building a Foundation for Global Health Promotion Research to Practice. Health Promotion Practice, 13(3), 293–297.

Description:  Khubchandani and Simmons explain how global health promotion works and is necessary for improving the health of our global community.  How these practices are implemented as well as their necessity are discussed.