SAGE Journal Articles

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Glass, J. L., Sutton, a., & Fitzgerald, S. T. (2015). Leaving the Faith: How Religious Switching Changes Pathways to Adulthood among Conservative Protestant Youth. Social Currents, 2(2), 126–143.

Description: Glass, Sutton and Fitzgerald studied the effects of switching religious affiliation on young adult’s educational path, timing of marriage and child birth, and income.  They specifically examine those who switch from Conservative Protestant affiliation to mainline affiliation or disaffiliation.

Lehmann, D. (2013). Religion as heritage, religion as belief: Shifting frontiers of secularism in Europe, the USA and Brazil. International Sociology, 28(6), 645–662.

Description: Lehmann examines how the new religious groups can be understood through the traditional religion/state interaction.  Traditional religions have formed relationships with the state and reaped certain benefits from this relationship and the author examines how this transfers or not to the conversion religions.