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Video Clips

Raney, G. E., Campbell, S. J., Bovee, J. C. Using Eye Movements to Evaluate the Cognitive Processes Involved in Text ComprehensionJ. Vis. Exp. (83), e50780, doi:10.3791/50780 (2014). (JOVE-video journal)
Describes how to use eye tracking to study the cognitive processes involved in text comprehension. Descriptions of eye tracking equipment, how to develop experimental stimuli, and procedural recommendations are included.
An over view of the nativist, learning, and interactionist theories of human language development
The main perspectives of the relationship between thoughts and language: Universalism, Piaget, Vygotsky, Linguistic Determinism, Whorfian Hypothesis
An introduction to linguistics, the evolution of spoken language, and the debate over the existence of an innate universal grammar; why language is such a fundamental part of social relationships, human biology, and human evolution; applications for linguistics, from improving how we teach reading and writing to how we interpret law, politics, and literature.


Audio Clips

How the tip-of-tongue phenomenon relates to metacognition, and the complexity of the memory retrieval process.
Describing how MEG can be a powerful tool in studying how infants practice speech.
People tend to think in a given language. Thinking in terms of language can be influential in educating learners of a second language.
An examination of what happens in the brain when you read: The underlying structures that made it possible, especially considering that reading is a evolutionarily recent invention. 
An exploration of animal cognition through the story of Alex, the African gray parrot.
Chapter 10: Concepts and Knowledge