Video and Multimedia

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Video Clips

Demonstrations of the malleability of memory: how false memories can be implanted in one’s memory.
A discussion of the accuracy of "flash-bulb memories.” How people remember in terms of gists
A talk on false memories: when people either remember things that didn't happen or remember them differently from the way they really were.
Dr. Larry Squire on what it feels like to be a severely amnestic person.


Audio Clips

BBC Radio 4’s Mind Changers looks deeper into The War of the Ghosts and a radical approach to the study of memory. 
Eyewitness Testimony        
BBC Radio 4’s Mind Changers discusses Elizabeth Loftus’s world-renowned experiments on eyewitness testimony.
BBC Radio 4’s Mind Changers investigates H.M, “the man who couldn’t remember.”
In this episode of BBC Radio 4’s The Life Scientific, learn about neuropharmacology and its implications for society.
7-year-olds have clear memories of experiences from when they were 3 or younger, but childhood amnesia descends gradually.