Video and Multimedia

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Video Clips

One of the first clinical cases to contribute knowledge about brain function was that of
Phineas GageScientific American Frontiers with Alan Alda.
Talk by Erin Schuman at TEDxCaltech about the functionality of neurons. How neural networks create memories, and their inherent instability.
Explores the neurobiological basis of higher brain function. Looks at how groups of neurons work together. Breaking down the localities of the brain to understand how the brain functions.
Michael Posner discusses of a wide range of methods that have been used in cognitive neuroscience: Basic behavioral data like error rates and reaction times, to modern brain imaging techniques and reversible lesions methods.
An overview of the functions of mirror neurons, how they allow us to learn complex social behaviors, and their involvement in the evolution of our society.
A lesson on how to record amygdala activity with magnetoencephalography (MEG). Designing a trace conditioning paradigm using backward masking to manipulate awareness; Recording brain activity during the task using MEG; Using source imaging to recover signal from subcortical structures.


Audio Clips

BBC Radio 4's Mind Changers presents a series on the case of Phineas Gage, which taught researchers which section of the brain is important for reasoning abilities and control of emotion.
Neurologist V.S. Ramachandran describes how visual experiments have changed his patients' lives.
Episode 9: All or Nothing, from Dr. Geoff Bunn's 10-part History of the Brain series on BBC Radio 4, describes the invention of the electroencephalograph.
How magnetic stimulation can be applied to a person’s brain to alter their moral perceptions. How that can inform on how the brain makes moral judgements and the underlying mechanics.
An analysis of the inner workings of the brain concerning decision-making, when we make mistakes, and when intoxicated. fMRI paradigms are discussed.
An examination of the book “Brainwashed: The Seductive Appeal of Mindless Neuroscience.” The extent to which brain scans can inform on human behavior and the interworking of the mind contrary to popular thought.