Video and Multimedia

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Video Clips

A discussion of how choices are made and how we feel about the choices we make. The talk covers trivial and profound choices and their implications.
How we're not as rational as we think when we make decisions. Insight on this idea is provided by visual illusions and other research findings
How freedom of choice makes us freer but can lead to paralyzing choices. Our choices may make us happier but more dissatisfied.
What in our brains makes us different from other people? How neurobiology tries to link social sciences and biological sciences through the use of computational models
An explanation of what a heuristic is. How heuristics can influence our decisions in an uncertain world.
When to use which heuristics. Genetics, individual learning, and social learning are sources of what heuristics to use and when.
How one makes good decisions. Simple heuristic rules can influence good decisions under uncertainty.  
An explanation of how the self can be influenced by experience and memory. Implications for economics, public policy, and self-awareness are discussed.


Audio Clips

How people engage in metacognition and how it influences one’s confidence in making decisions.
The extent to which rationality and emotion play into making decisions, and how to get better at making decisions.