Video and Multimedia

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Video Clips

Overview of cognition: knowing, remembering, understanding, communicating, and learning. Discusses the advantages and pitfalls of human cognition.
How advancement in technology gave way to rethinking behaviorism, hence the advent of studying psychology via cognitive science, linguistics, computer science & A.I., and Neuroscience.
An explanation of Grounded Cognition: How cognition can be influenced by the states of your body and the environment.
This video describes some of the ways in which we apply the scientific method to psychological research.


Audio Clips

In this Radiolab episode, listen to the story of Mr. S., a man with seemingly limitless memory, and visit the World Memory Championships to meet expert brain stuffers.    
An discussion of how and why our brain can occasionally be unsuccessful when remembering long lists of information, adding large numbers in our heads, or making long-term decisions.