Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


  1. Answering Questions 
    “How to Handle Questions from the Audience After a Speech”  
    Description:  Learn how to handle questions from the audience.
  2. After Presenting 
    “Got a Question?:  How to handle answering audience questions” 
    Description:Answer your audience questions so that it makes your speech's points.
  3. Anticipate Questions-Especially the Hard Ones 
    “Anticipating Questions” 
    Description: The speaker discusses the need to anticipate questions your audience may have.
  4. The Timing of a Q & A Session 
    “Presentation & Public Speaking Tip for Answering Questions” 
    Description:  This speaker suggests that an effective Q & A session might come before your closing statement.


  1. Managing the Q & A 
    “When You Don’t Know an Answer” 
    Description:  The speaker offers simple ways to deal with questions you can’t answer.
  2. Use Guidelines to Manage the Q & A Session” 
    “Tips for Handling Audience Questions During a Presentation” 
    Description:  This lesson covers tips for handing audience questions during a presentation.

Web Resources

  1. Managing the Q & A 
    “Conducting a Q & A Session” 
    Description:  The article gives examples of effective ways to conduct live and online Q&A sessions. 
  2. Reporting on the Internship Experience 
    “Leading the Perfect Q & A” 
    Description:A great Q&A session – one that adds value to your presentation – requires planning and thoughtful contributions from both the audience and the speaker.
  3. Answering Questions 
    “Answering Audience Questions” 
    Description: This chapter covers the preparation, practice, and management of the A & A session .