Video and Multimedia

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  1. Leadership and Storytelling 
    “Leadership Storytelling” 
    Description:  This TED talk discusses storytelling and leadership, focusing on Al Gore’s failed presidential run due to his inability to tell stories that connected with his audiences.
  2. Find Your Voice  
    “Finding Your Inner Voice” 
    Description: The speaker at this TED talk discusses when to acknowledge one’s inner voice.
  3. Lead with Stories 
    “Lead with a Story” 
    Description:The speaker explains that by using the art of story telling in business, leaders are more effective in their ability to communicate, motivate and engage employees.


  1. Acknowledge the Importance of Stories 
    “Storytellers:  A Look at the importance of Story” 
    Description:  The speaker explains that humans love to consume stories, but few people realize the value of constructing them. He looks at the fundamental principles of storytelling as well as the benefits of viewing the world through the lens of Story.
  2. Leadership and Storytelling 
    “Building Leadership Through Storytelling” 
    Description:  Listen to how an organization, At Women Win,  is helping women become leaders by sharing their stories to evoke emotion and create change.
  3. Create Narratives that Motivate and Involve Others 
    “Capturing Authentic Narratives” 
    Description:An authentic, human narrative touches audiences and keeps them attentive.

Web Resources

  1. Acknowledge the Importance of Stories 
    “The Importance of Stories” 
    Description:Telling stories is one of the most important things that public speakers can do to make their presentations memorable.
  2. Discover Your Inner Storyteller 
    “Make presentations more persuasive - discover your inner storyteller” 
    Description:  Use storytelling to make a presentation successful and have a strong impact .
  3. Identify Stories From Your Life to Share When Giving Talks to Others 
    “Telling Your Story” 
    Description: The article discusses why story-telling matters and includes methods for harnessing the power of stories most effectively.