Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


  1. Introducing Your Speech 
    “4 Keys to a Killer Speech Introduction” 
    Description:  The lecturer explains how to succeed with an introduction.
  2. Establish Topic Credibility 
    “How to Write a Speech:  Credibility in a Speech” 
    Description:  The speaker gives some tips on establishing credibility which is important to gain the audience’s trust and attention. 
  3. Get Your Audience’s Attention:  Use Humor 
    “Don’t Start Your Speech By Telling a Joke”
    Description:  This speaker tells how to being a speech with humor without telling a joke. 


  1. Build Your Credibility 
    How to Write a Speech:  Credibility in a Speech 
    Description:  Establish credibility with tips on how to gain the audience’s trust and attention.
  2. Get Your Audience’s Attention 
    “How to Start a Presentation & Get The Audience’s Attention” 
    Description:  The speaker explains how to start a presentation and get the audience’s attention and curiosity to make a great impression and engage the audience.
  3. Involve the Audience 
    “How to Open a Speech or Presentation” 
    Description:  The speaker explains how to involve the audience in the first 7 seconds by asking a question.

Web Resources

  1. Introducing Your Speech 
    “How to Start a Speech-12 Foolproof Ways to Grab Your Audience” 
    Description:  The article lists a variety of ways to begin your speech successfully.
  2. Use Humor 
    “The Art of Using Humor in Public Speaking” 
    Description:  This text includes 8 chapters detailing how to incorporate humor in speeches.
  3. Avoid These Common Introductory Bloopers 
    “What Common Mistakes Should You Avoid When Starting Your Speech?” 
    Description:  This article features 10 tops explaining how NOT to start a speech and what to do instead.