Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


  1. Persuasive Speaking Tips 
    Use Evidence 
    Description:  The speaker offers tips for using evidence in your persuasive speech.                                                                                                                                  
  2. Arouse Emotions 
    “Emotional Persuasive Speech Styles” 
    Description: The speaker explains how to use emotions in persuasive speaking.
  3. How to Build Persuasive Credibility 
    “Persuasion Matters:  3 Realms of Credibility” 
    Description:The speaker explains why credibility isTough to build and easy to lose and  ranks as one of the primary characteristics of a successful and persuasive message.


  1. Appeal to Reason 
    “Logic:  Persuasion Through Logic and Evidence” 
    Description:  The speaker discusses types of evidence to use in persuasive speaking and addresses common fallacies.
  2. How to Avoid Fallacies 
    “Reasoning Fallacies” 
    Description:  The audio link addresses commonly used fallacies and how to avoid them.
  3. Avoid the Slippery Slope 
    “Slippery Slope Fallacy” 
    Description:  Listen to a rather humorous example of the slippery slope fallacy.

Web Resources

  1. Deductive/Inductive Reasoning 
    “Different Lines of Reasoning” 
    Description:  This article explains two different lines of reasoning—inductive and deductive—and how to consciously make sense of observations and reason with the audience.
  2. How to Avoid Fallacies 
    “Speaking Ethically and Avoiding Fallacies” 
    Description:  This unit provides examples of eight common fallacies used in persuasive speaking.
  3. Think small to Avoid a Big Fall 
    “Know Your Audience” 
    Description:  Knowing your audience helps while crafting expectations.