Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


  1. Decide Where You’ll Speak From 
    “How to Use a Podium or Not Use a Podium:  Nonverbal Speech Barriers and Public Speaking” 
    Description:  Using a podium can put a barrier between you and your audience.
  2. Use Facial Expressions and Eye Contact  
    “Public Speaking Tips:  Eye Contact” 
    Description:  Great public speakers make eye contact in order to connect with the audience.
  3. Remember, Posture Matters 
    “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” 
    Description:  This TED talk discusses how body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves.


  1. Know Your Gestures 
    “The Importance of Gestures in the Art of Public Speaking” 
    Description:  Gestures play a large role in engaging your audience and keeping them interested in what you have to say.  The audio like explains different facets surrounding how to use gestures properly.
  2. Approach the Audience with Confidence 
    “Be a More Confident Public Speaker” 
    Description:  This podcast presents a Triple P method that will help your public speaking confidence.
  3. Coordinate Your Body Language with Confidence 
    “Secrets of Body Language” 
    Description:  Body language known as kinesics is a significant aspect of communication.

Web Resources

  1. Remember, Posture Matters 
    “Posture During an Oral Presentation” 
  2. Using Your Body 
    “Gestures: Your Body Speaks” 
    Description:  This chapter explains how to use your body effectively in speechmaking.
  3. Use Eye Contact” 
    “Using Eye Contact to Connect With Your Presentation Audience” 
    Description:  Making eye contact keeps the audience attentive to you and your message.