Introduction to Sociology
Discussion Questions
Homosexuality was once classified as mental illness; it was taken out of the DSM only in 1973. This means that many people in the United States grew up with the idea that homosexuality is a mental illness. What do you think is the continuing impact of that idea in our culture today? Are LGBTQ individuals stigmatized today?
What would it take for you to join a social movement? List social issues you would be willing to work to progress, then select the one you are most interested in advancing. What would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve the established goals of this social movement?
Edward Snowden revealed to the world how the United States and other governments were actively monitoring their citizens under the cover of the fight on terrorism. How does the narrative of the fear of terrorism affect U.S. attitudes toward privacy? Why might some people be more willing to sacrifice their privacy than others? Do you see surveillance increasing, decreasing, or stabilizing in the future? Why?