Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Video 1: Creating and Using SMART Goals

Description: Speaker, author, and success expert Brian Tracy explains how to define goals using milestones so employees can feel like winners in completing tasks. Recognizing employee accomplishments develops employee motivation and should be rewarded

Video 2: Managing PR During Crises: Blunders and Successes

Description: Tom Argenti of the Tufts Business School examines several PR blunders and two PR success stories from 2014

Audio 1: Are Audiograms the Next Best Thing?

Description: Inside PR’s weekly podcast researches on audiograms to discover the viability of repackaging and promoting podcasts for visual storytelling in small “bytes” on social media platforms (15:30+)

Web 1: Public Relations Accreditation Organization Examines Research in PR

Description: This organization provides a thorough outline of public relations research and methods practitioners should be aware of and implement when gathering data during the campaign process