
Quizzes are available to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in each chapter. Click on the arrows next to each question to view the answer.

1. A ‘representative sample’ is an essential feature of which of the following ways to gather data about children?

  1. Event sampling
  2. Survey methods
  3. Structured interviews
  4. Correlation methods


b. Survey methods

2. Longitudinal design is distinguished by its process of:

  1. Assigning children to one of two groups that are assumed equal before the study begins
  2. Looking at the development of a single child in an in-depth fashion
  3. Sampling children and observing them repeatedly at different points throughout their lives
  4. Comparing children against a defined variable (e.g. age)


c. Sampling children and observing them repeatedly at different points throughout their lives

3. Correlation methods are also known as:

  1. Non experimental designs                    
  2. Quasi experiments
  3. Controlled experiments
  4. Inferential methods


a. Non experimental designs           

4. In a cross-sectional study, a cohort effect refers to differences between age groups:

  1. That are caused by socioeconomic factors
  2. That are due to the different historical time periods in which the groups were born
  3. That are caused by unequal sample sizes
  4. That are caused by one group consisting mostly of male or female participants


b. That are due to the different historical time periods in which the groups were born

5. Jean Piaget is best known for which research methodology?

  1. Longitudinal methods
  2. Survey methods
  3. Case Study
  4. Observational methods


d. Observational methods

6. The concept of reactivity is best described as:

  1. When being observed, children behave differently than they might otherwise
  2. The participant saying what they think the researcher wants to hear
  3. Gaining valuable information about children
  4. ‘The manipulation of variables by the experimenter’


a. When being observed, children behave differently than they might otherwise

7. In a controlled experiment the dependent variable is:

  1. Manipulated by the researcher
  2. Influenced by the independent variable
  3. Assigned as part of the controlled conditions                    
  4. Randomly assigned to participant


b. Influenced by the independent variable

8. In observational methods, time sampling methods are best used:

  1. With structured interview techniques
  2. In a controlled setting
  3. When studying groups of subjects
  4. To measure the dependent variable


c. When studying groups of subjects

9. Which of the following statements best describes Case Study methodology?

  1. Allows for the researcher to make conclusions about cause and effect
  2. The random assignment of subjects to conditions and the use of a control group is employed
  3. Allows for the researcher to compare groups of children who are of different ages but studied at the same point in time
  4. Allows for the researcher to focus on a single child, observing in an in-depth fashion that is not practical with large groups


d. Allows for the researcher to focus on a single child, observing in an in-depth fashion that is not practical with large groups

10. A third variable problem is most likely to occur:

  1. When two correlated variables (X and Y) are caused by a third variable (Z) that is responsible for the relationship of X and Y    
  2. When correlation does not cause equal causation
  3. When the scores of two variables are unrelated
  4. When two variables are perfectly related such that an increase in variable X can be associated with a predictable increase in variable Y


a. When two correlated variables (X and Y) are caused by a third variable (Z) that is responsible for the relationship of X and Y