Juvenile Delinquency: Pathways and Prevention
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: FRONTLINE: A Class Divided
Description: Following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968, in order to teach her all White students in a small town of Iowa about discrimination, a third-grade teacher, Ms. Jane Elliott, divided her students into two groups based on eye color. Ms. Elliott’s experiment shows the profound effect labeling (even if it is arbitrary) has on an individual’s self-concept and behaviors, especially among children.
Video 2: Dr. Robert Agnew--Strain Theory in Criminal Justice
Description: Dr. Robert Agnew’s lecture delivered at Eastern Kentucky University--College of Justice and Safety.
Web 1: The Killer at Thurston High, Chronology
Description: FRONTLINE explores what led a 15-year-old Oregon boy to kill his parents and two classmates, and shoot and injure 25 others. Read through the Chronology of Kip Kinkel’s life and events leading up to the horror of May 20 and 21, 1998. Identify which modern sociological theories of crime could apply to Kip’s actions.
Web 2: Do Neighborhoods Influence Juvenile Crime?
Description: An article discussing the report, The Coaction of Neighborhood and Individual Effects on Juvenile Recidivism, published in Cityscape, a HUD journal focusing on original research on housing and community development issues.