Video and Multimedia

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Speaking to Inform
“How to Write an Informative Speech”
The speaker explains three goals for informative speeches and five steps to organizing an informative speech.

Achieving Informative Speaking Goals
“Common Types of Informative Speeches”
This video describes the common types of informative speeches, process speeches and expository speeches.

Be Memorable
“Informative Speech Topics”
The speaker urges presenters to pick informative speech topics that are meaningful ones that the presenter knows something about.


Speaking to Inform
“Patterns of Organization for Informative Speeches”
This tutorial describes the pattern or organization one can use in an informative speech, depending on the topic.

Achieving Informative Speaking Goals
“How to Choose an Informative Speech Topic”
The speaker presents basic guidelines in selecting an informative topic.

Speaking to Inform
“Basics of Informative Speaking”
This speaker covers the basics of informative speaking.

Web Resources

Speaking to Inform
“Speaking to Inform”
This piece contains five speaking projects: organizing an informational speech, tailoring your speech to the audience, conducting a demonstration, presenting a report, and delivering a speech about an abstract subject.

Speaking of People
“How to Write an Informative Speech About a Person”
This site includes tips for writing an informative speech about a person.

Speeches About Processes and Procedures
“Process Demonstrations Speeches”
This presentation walks a student through the creation of a process demonstration speech.