Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Be Aware of Dialects and Regionalisms
“Don’t Mistake a Dialect for a Disorder”
This speaker traces the history of the African-American dialect and its connotation.

Watch Articulation and Pronunciation
“American Accent-Articulation Exercises”
This instructor demonstrates exercises for non-native speakers to help them speak English clarity and confidence.

Using Your Voice
“Public Speaking Tips:  How to Use Your Voice in Public Speaking”
This speaker explains how to use your voice effectively in public speaking.

Consider Cultural Adaptations
“Cross-Cultural Nonverbal Communication”
This presentation explores the variance and meaning of nonverbal communication and cues across cultures.


Use Silent Pauses
“Using Pauses and Silence”
The speaker introduces the idea that the pause, or moment of silence, can work effectively in speeches to help speakers slow down.

Consider the Effects of Stereotyping
“Media Effects - Stereotypes”
This audio link explores the impact of media stereotypes.

Vary Pitch
“Speaking:  The Proper Use of Pitch for Your Speaking Voice”
The speaker explains that setting your voice at its best pitch range will really help make sure that your voice sounds genuine and artificial.

Web Resources

Vary Pitch
The site defines speech and how pitch changes can change the meaning of sentences.

Adjust Volume
The piece lists methods of using volume to deliver your speech effectively.

Avoid Verbal Fillers
“How to Stop Saying Um, Uh, and Other Filler Words”
This site offers suggestions of how to avoid using filler words that pop up in your speech.