SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 4


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McBrier, D., & Wilson, G. (August 2004). Going down?: Race and downward occupational mobility for white-collar workers in the 1990s. Work and Occupations, 31(3), 283-322.

  • Describe the sample in terms of the means of the following variables: Mother's Education; Job Commitment; Seniority and Hours worked.
  • What can you say about the differences between African Americans and White respondents?

Handel, M. (February 2005). Trends in perceived job quality, 1989 to 1998. Work and Occupations, 32(1), 66-94.

  • Consider Figure 1 on p.69 of the Handel article.Describe the change in real hourly wages between 1947 and 2000.What socio-political factors might account for the varying trends in mean hourly wage?
  • Based on the means presented by Handel on p.77, Table 2, discuss changes in perceived job quality of American workers between 1989 and 1998.

Allison, C.J., Bartholomew, K., Mayseless, O.and Dutton, D.G. (2008). Love as a battlefield: Attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence. Journal of Family Issues, 29(1): 125-150.

  • Examine the measures of central tendency on page 131.Create a normal distribution curve for each. Is the data for males skewed or symmetrical (normal)? Is the data for females skewed or symmetrical (normal)?
  • How did the authors measure the concepts used in their statistical analysis? What level of measurement were the variables used?