SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 12


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Pettinichio, D., & Crutchfield, R.D. (2009). Cultures of Inequality: Ethnicity, Immigration, Social Welfare, and Imprisonment. The Annals of the American Acadamy of Political and Social Science, 623(1), 134-147.

  • How was multivariate analysis used in the above article?

Amato, P.R.and Rezac, S.J. (1994). Contact with nonresident parents, interparental conflict, and children's behavior. Journal of Family Issues, 15(2), 191-207.

  • How was multivariate analysis used in the above article?

Fothergill, K.E., Ensminger, M.E., Green, K.M., Robertson, J.A., and Soon, H. (2009). Pathways to adult marijuana and cocaine use: A prospective study of African Americans from age 6 to 42. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 50(1), 65-81.

  • how is ANOVA further developed to conduct the analysis presented in the Fothergill et al.article?
  • Examine the figure on page 73.On a separate piece of paper, write down how each of the measures are operationalized as discussed in the article.Are there variables that you think are missing?