Management and Business Research
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Videos, including useful explanations of research philosophy concepts and developing a convincing argument by one of the authors, Professor Richard Thorpe Weblinks to articles, examples of research, podcasts and more Case studies from SAGE Research Methods SAGE journal articles and book chapters let you explore your interests further and build up your bibliographies Encyclopaedia entries explain key terms Templates and datasets for you to use in practice Multiple choice quizzes allow you to assess your understanding of key chapter concepts Answers to exercises in the book enable you to check your work Glossary flashcards help you strengthen your understanding of key terms and concepts Just click on the links to the left. |
PowerPoints slides featuring figures, tables and key topics from the book can be downloaded and customized for use in your own presentations Tutor's Guide assists you with teaching with this book Video presentation on 'Developing a Convincing Argument' by Professor Richard Thorpe Log in or create an instructor account by clicking on the tab at the top. |
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