Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter you will be able to:
14.1 Define smart policing, data-driven and evidence-based policing, CompStat, predictive policing, and intelligence-led policing
14.2 Identify the strengths and limitations of smart policing, data-driven and evidence-based policing, CompStat, predictive policing, and intelligence-led policing
14.3 Compare the similarities and differences in smart policing, data-driven and evidence-based policing, CompStat, predictive policing, and intelligence-led policing
14.4 Discuss the relative importance of research findings when making police policy decisions
14.5 Explain how geospatial crime analysis may lead to place-based crime prevention and how intelligence-led policing may lead to person-based crime prevention
14.6 Discuss how individual privacy can be threatened by intelligence-led policing and geospatial crime analysis