Video and Multimedia
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Learning Objectives: 5.2 Explain how the Bill of Rights relates to the federal government and to the states.
Web: The Whistleblower Protection Programs.
Video: Edward Snowden to John Oliver: Don't stop sexting.
Learning Objectives: 5.3 Describe how the First Amendment protects both church and state, as well as individuals’ religious freedom.
Audio: Sebelius vs. Hobby Lobby stores
Video: Court rules in favor of Hobby Lobby
Video: Reactions: New Abortion Law
Learning Objectives: 5.4 Show how the protections of freedom of speech and of the press have been tested.
Web: The Whistleblower Protection Programs
Video: Edward Snowden to John Oliver: Don't stop sexting
Learning Objectives: 5.7 Discuss the extent of an individual’s right to privacy.
Audio: Sebelius vs. Hobby Lobby stores
Video: Court rules in favor of Hobby Lobby
Video: Reactions: New Abortion Law
Video: The North Carolina ‘bathroom bill’ HB2 explained
Learning Objectives: 5.8 Compare the idea of civil rights with civil obligations.
Web: The Whistleblower Protection Programs
Video: Edward Snowden to John Oliver: Don't stop sexting
Video: Americans Know Even Less About Government Than You Could Possibly Imagine